Storm In U.S: 63 million hit by massive winter storm in US

Storm In U.S: 63 million hit by massive winter storm in US

Emergency declared in U.S as dangerous winter storm in us arrived dropping zero degrees.

Storm In United States

Emergency declared in United States as biggest winter snow storm with Strong ice winds and very low temperatures arrived and puts 64 Million people in us on High Alert. States declared emergency in various states like Virginia, Kansas, West Virginia, Kentucky, Missouri and Arkansas. Freezing rain and sleet from Kansas to Kentucky is also another concern. Officials said that this is the biggest storm in this decade

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Snowfall In USA

The NWS ( National Weather Service ) gave warnings to states like Missouri and Kansas as NWS is predicting 8 inches of snow . Wind speed is expected to reach 45 M/hr creating unable to go out of house conditions. Some parts of Eastern states of NEW YORK and Pennsylvania are facing heavy snow lake effect

‘national guard in indiana’

Situation in Indiana got dangerous as snow and ice got heavier so to tackle this situation national guard involved in Indiana to control the situation. This storm also caused Havoc in the nation’s Flights and Railways. Washington the us capital is also blanketed with 5 Inch of snow

Causes of Storm

According to forecasters , A Polar Vortex is the major reason behind this extreme weather conditions. ‘This could lead to coldest January since 2011’ said AccuWeather forecaster. Government gave strict advices to people to not come out their houses as some parts of the state can drop temperatures below zero degrees Fahrenheit and in the next couple of days the storm will move to East .So Government advised people not to come outside until the situations gets controlled

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