Prime Minister Narendra Modi who is the top campaigners of the BJP party in the next elections launched an attack at Aam admi party .Pm Modi called Aam admi party as ‘AAP-da’ in Delhi, Modi stated that Kejriwal turned Delhi into disaster and the corruption is too high
Narendra Modi said “AAP pushed Delhi into disaster, The disaster has come to Delhi and residents are fighting against it “
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Arvind Kejriwal Replied to Modi for ‘AAP-da’
“PM repeatedly used the word ‘Aapda’. Aapda is in BJP not in Delhi. Bjp faces 3 aapda’s
- No CM face
- No Narerative to fight polls
- No Law and Order
Our work not aapda but people’s blessings”
‘Kejriwal is a disaster for Delhi, People need to throw AAP from Delhi and bring change,He is very scared that he will get exposed’ said MANOJ TIWARI ,BJP MP
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